A respected physician (MD) opens his heart and admits the truth despite his hesitation, even though it goes against the current medical climate regarding consciousness and spirituality. Dr. Mercola interviews Dr. Larry Dossey, former Chief of Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital, and co-chairman of the Panel on Mind/Body Interventions, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine at the National Institutes of Health.
New research and data substantiates the profound impact of spirituality and consciousness on health and healing.
Full Transcript Here (Right Click and Download to Your Desktop) : http://mercola.fileburst.com…20100807.pdf
New scientific research is proving that remote healing does occur beyond the annals of current scientific belief. Physicists term this Non-Locality and Entanglement.
The scientists admit to being confounded, but also begrudingly admit to the ever increasing data that connectedness and unity seems to be mediated by consciousness such as sympathy and compassion, and that people can be united through space and time leading to miracle healing and communication across time and space.
Dr. Larry Dossey – Author of In this interview, Dr. Larry Dossey, author of Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine, discusses the inherent wisdom of premonitions — the topic of his third book The Power of Premonition.
Thanks to Dr. Mercola