Could taking the “little purple pill” for acid reflux and heartburn be contributing to the thinning of your bones?
“Yes,” say researchers in The American Journal of Medicine. According to their research, taking such pills can cause a 41% to 61% drop in calcium absorption resulting in significant bone loss.
This means that even though you are taking calcium supplements, you could be receiving little or no benefit. Calcium requires stomach acid to be absorbed.
The research involved omeprazole, the active ingredient found in the “purple pill.” However other antiacid ingredients may have similar effect.
Best solution? Consult with your physician to find an alternative medication. Also, you can contact Dr. Mark Stengler for his more natural solution. (Note, we receive NO compensation whatsoever from this recommendation.)
Thanks to Bottom Line whom we respect for many of it’s forthright and reliable recommendations.
The information contained here is not intended as a substitute for personal medical advice. Before making any decision regarding your health, please consult a physician or other qualified health-care practitioner.