Most of us were never really taught how to have a happy marriage. Rather, we learned by example, familiarity, imitation. What we were used to as children, became the standard that we adopted as our own when we grew up. If there was arguing and bickering, there likely would be the same in our own […]
Archive for the ‘Successful Living’ Category
What is the PERFECT and BEST GREEN SMOOTHIE Recipe? It would have to be a very subjective recipe indeed as everyones’ tastes and bodily preferences are so different. After all, one girl’s elixir is another girl’s witch’s brew. With that in mind, Ellienne writes about her new found respect for the Green Smoothie, what spawned […]
Dr. Robert Rowen Reports On The Simple Way To Reduce Breast Cancer Risk By 43% According to Dr. Rowen, women have a 1 in 7 chance of getting breast cancer in their life time. This is an extremely high percentage. But, by making one small change in their diet, women can REDUCE this high risk […]
Do Your Fly Often? It turns out that every time you fly, you expose yourself to potentially damaging levels of ionizing radiation. This particular type of radiation can lead to increased DNA damage and accelerated aging. Here’s the easiest way to protect yourself… Click HERE to Read Article (opens new window or tab): ~~~
And here it is below! We find it especially inspirational and beautiful. Angela has indeed created a wonderful world for herself with her positive and uplifted attitude which is expressed so well in her prose.
Take YOUR best shot. What are yours? Let me know in the comments below. Dr. Robert Rowen has his idea which I shall discuss below. Meanwhile… Here’s my guesses that first popped into my head: • Poptarts (they last forever out of the package) • Donuts (fat, sugar, oil, white flour, chemicals) • Hamburger (surprise […]
Do you find that making decisions leaves you in a quandary? Does decision making hold you back while you mull over infinite possibilities? Here’s a great solution presented by Suzie Welch, wife of GM’s former Chief, Jack Welch in her new book, 10 10 10 – A Life Transforming Idea. ~~~ We often think about […]