Is the recently reported skyrocketing rates in Autism due to vaccines? Environmental Factors? Pollutants? Drugs? Genetic abberations? Stress conditions? Weakened immune systems? Plastics?
The nation’s top autism research coordinator, Dr. Thomas Insel, reported that he could not “explain away this huge increase,” and that “there is NO question that there HAS to be an environmental component here.”
He did acknowledge that some ASDs may be preventable, that some children could recover from the disorder and that some cases could conceivably be due to viral causes.
Catherine Rice, a behavioral health scientist with the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities called the new disturbing statistics “an urgent health concern.”
In a Fox News Report, she stated that “a simple explanation is not apparent,” but that they do know “there are multiple complex genetic and environmental factors that cause autism.”
Here are the shocking statistics that causing such grave concern:
Within a 4 year span from 2002 to 2006, the rate among 8 year olds jumped over 30% from 60 per ten thousand to 94 per ten thousand. In Arizona, the rate skyrocketed over 95 percent within the same time period; 189 cases per ten thousand children. In Missouri, the rate jumped to 193 per ten thousand. That’s an increase of 67 percent.
These staggering statistics have medical specialists stumped. The Director of the National Institute of Mental Health and Chair of the federal government’s Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee stated flatly, “This increase cannot be explained away” by better diagnosis.
He added, “there is no question about environmental factors (being involved).”
What does this mean for the average family?
Currently, there are no definable steps parents can take to prevent autism.
It may or may not be advisable to avoid chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, plastics, microwave heating of food containers, processed foods containing food additives. No one has any difinitive answers one way or another.
However, considering that autism rates in the 1940’s a 50’s was estimated to be 1 in 10,000, there’s a strong indication that environmental issues may be hugely culpable. The current rate is 1 in 100, and as high as 194 in 10,000.
It may behoove families to consider and more organic diet and return to the more natural way of eating and storing and preparing food.
Should one avoid mercury laced vaccinations? No one can say for sure. We can only recommend that you speak in depth with your physician, voicing your concerns, asking questions and insisting upon answers if at all possible.
Children born in the 80s did not receive the myriad vaccine cocktails laced with mercury that were prescribed to infants for a myriad of new diseases such as Hepatitis 3.
Is this a factor? No one can say for sure. But, one report states the mercury levels take the recommended dosage beyond the safety level recommended by the CDC for infants.
One cannot argue that this is a powerful message that things need to change.
If the rates continue to climb at current levels, the rate of autism could jump to impossibly high percentages of over 100 percent and more.
It would behoove every parent to carefully monitor the situation and do everything possible to protect themselves, their environment, insisting upon answers.
Another crisis brewing is polluted sewage sludge and other contaminated waste material being fed to farm animals and seafood, and used to fertilize factory farmed agriculture. It may be best to consider organic produce, meat and dairy, turning to local farmers and making sure that agencies do not prevent organic farmers from selling their products in farmer’s markets or elsewhere.
A political war is brewing between the major food producers and the more natural organic growers. Who will suffer if healthy foodstuffs are banned or eliminated? Possibly the children.
More than ever, it’s important to become involved with the political process and carefully monitor and communicate with your representatives. Your future, and your childrens’ futures, rely upon it.
Thanks to Age of Autism
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