Full Article Here: civileats.com…heres-your-pesticide-cheat-sheet/ Atrazine Second most widely used pesticide in the U.S., is applied mostly to corn in the Midwest and sugarcane in the South. Lnked to adverse developmental, hormonal, and reproductive effects, and potentially to certain cancers. Atrazine easily runs off fields, contaminates groundwater, surface and rain water, and is one of the […]
Archive for the ‘Cancer’ Category
This report, Buyer Beware: Toxic BPA & Regrettable Substitutes in the Linings of Canned Food, was conceived, authored and produced as a collaborative effort by the Breast Cancer Fund; Campaign for Healthier Solutions; Clean Production Action; Ecology Center; Environmental Defence (Canada); and Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families’ Mind the Store campaign. Bisphenol A (BPA) is a […]
Dr. James Watson and Dr. Linus Pauling were two brilliant and legendary bio-medical research professors and scientists. Each inherently understood that the pharmacological / medical-industrial complex was rife with individuals, companies and entities driven to accumulate wealth, rather than bring true health and healing to their customers, clients, patients. QUOTES: “The National Cancer Program is […]
SHOCKING REVELATIONS… Shane Ellison, M.S. is an award winning organic chemist who worked with such pharmaceutical giants as Eli Lilly. Below are some of his most shocking revelations. Here are some of his discoveries that may shock you: FDA – A Private Funded Administration? » One of the most stunning, unknown facts is that the […]
At only 26 years old, Chris Wark was diagnosed with Stage 3 Colon Cancer. Within days, he was rushed into surgery to have a golf-ball-sized tumor removed. Unfortunately, the doctors found that his cancer had spread to his lymph nodes. They told him that he must immediately begin a comprehensive course of chemotherapy and that […]
“If you only knew…” The real business of pink ribbons and breast cancer is a stunning tale of business machinations and profiteering. How many women have fallen prey to the rhetoric and then gone through needless suffering? A new movie has come out entitled, “Pink Ribbons, Inc.” It reveals stunning information about the truth behind […]
Simple Yet Effective Skin Care Advice Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy Some say that the sun is crucial for Vitamin D creation and absorption. Furthermore, Vitamin D levels are low in a high percentage of the population according to recent research data. On the other hand, sun can […]