Introduction Acupuncture is among the oldest healing practices in the world. As part of aims to restore and maintain health through the stimulation of specific points on the body. In the United States, where practitioners incorporate healing traditions from China, Japan, Korea, and other countries, acupuncture is considered part of (CAM). On this page: Introduction […]
Archive for August, 2009
Dr. Mercola warns of Bromide dangers. Bromines replace iodine in the thyroid. Iodine deficiency can lead to increased risk for cancer of the breast, thyroid gland, ovary and prostate. High risk products? Strawberries, brominated breads, brominated soft drinks, inhalers, sprays, fire retardants and pool treatments. Solutions? Eat organic, avoid soft drinks, use ozone purification for pools, […]
An Extraordinarily Important Article Cheap food may be killing us… Bryan Walsh writes an extremely taut and compelling Time magazine article in this month’s Time Magazine about how cheap foods may be contributing to rampant obesity and disease as well as the ever quickening degradation of our environment. In actuality, cheap food may be the most expensive thing on our plate. […]
Miracle of Golden Raisins and Gin This natural, free “remedy” is gaining wide acclaim. Over 90% of online commenters speak highly of the miracle of Golden Raisins soaked in gin for arthritis discomfort, and report that consuming just 9 or 10 of these specially prepared raisins has completely relieved them of their arthritis pain. More Below ? […]
Dr. Mercola Has a Very Interesting Perspective on the TRUTH about the dangers of tanning beds… Perhaps, there’s LESS DANGER than reported. Are tanning beds really are as dangerous as the CDC (center for Disease Control) has purported to label them as Class 1 carcinogen, along with mustard gas, cigarrettes and radon? Perhaps the CDC […]